Master's Degree | Radyo, Televizyon ve Sinema | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Master’s Degree

About the Program
Purpose of the Program  : The program aims to implement an educational plan to train contemporary “communication designers” not only in the field of Visual Communication Design but also capable of contributing to any area of communication. It aims to cultivate individuals who can create creative designs needed by both the academic field and/or the business world, apply theoretical knowledge creatively and aesthetically, follow global trends and innovations in design and communication, and prioritize ethical principles. The program integrates research, design, interaction, art, and technology.
Establishment  : The program was established in the 2018-2019 academic year.
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Quota : Determined by the relevant department for each application period.
Application Requirements :

Applicants must have graduated from a 4-year undergraduate program related to communication (such as Public Relations and Advertising, Public Relations and Promotion, Communication Sciences, Visual Communication Design, Radio TV Cinema, Cinema TV, Photography, Graphic Design, Communication Design, Communication Arts from Communication Faculties, Fine Arts Faculties, and Art and Design Faculties). Applicants from unrelated fields will take a one-semester (4 courses) “Scientific Preparation” program if accepted into the program.

  • Must have scored at least 55 points in ALES (EA/Verbal weighted score type) within the last five years.
  • Foreign students must pass TÖMER.
  • Candidates who have completed their undergraduate education abroad must obtain an equivalency certificate from YÖK.
Duration : The duration of the program is four semesters, starting from the semester in which courses related to the program are offered, regardless of whether the student registers for each semester. The program must be completed within a maximum of six semesters.
MGraduation Requirements : The program duration is four semesters. It consists of a total of 21 local credits, 7 courses (1 compulsory, 6 elective), a seminar course, and a thesis. The seminar course and thesis are non-credit based on the local credit system and are evaluated as pass or fail. The total ECTS credits of the program are 120. Students who successfully complete their thesis and meet the minimum publication requirement will graduate from the program upon the decision of the Institute Board of Directors.
Assessment and Evaluation : The assessment and evaluation methods used for each course are defined in the course information package. The provisions of the Hasan Kalyoncu University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations are applicable regarding exams and grades.
Degree Awarded : Graduates who successfully complete the program are awarded a Master of Science (MS) degree in “Visual Communication Design.”
Transition to Higher Degree Programs : Graduates who successfully complete the program can apply to doctoral programs in their own fields or interdisciplinary fields, provided they achieve a passing score in ALES and demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language.
Contact : Asst. Prof. Atiye GÜNER (Head of the Department)  e-mail:


Academic Staff
Prof. Dr. Gül Rengin KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN
Prof. Dr. Bülent Bahri KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN
Prof. Dr. Ayhan ERDEM
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz TELEK
Asst. Prof. Atiye GÜNER (Head of Department)
Asst. Prof. Bilge KALKAVAN
Asst. Prof. Batu DURU
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Fatih EMİNOĞLU
Asst. Prof. Buket AKDEMİR DİLEK
Teaching Plan
Research Methods in Communication Sciences (Compulsory) 3 12
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Seminar (Compulsory) 0 12
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Master Thesis 0 30
Master Thesis 0 30
Course Code Course Name T+U Credit ECTS
GİT501 Research Methods in Communication Sciences 3+0 3 12
GİT502 Seminar 3+0 0 12
GİT503 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT504 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion 3+0  3 6
GİT512 Advertising and Design 3+0  3 6
GİT513 Digital Media Literacy 3+0  3 6
GİT514 Brand Communication and Creativity 3+0  3 6
GİT515 Integrated Marketing Communications 3+0  3 6
GİT516 Fictional Analysis in Cinema 3+0  3 6
GİT517 Cultural Studies and Media 3+0  3 6
GİT518 Digital Marketing 3+0  3 6
GİT519 Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies 3+0  3 6
GİT520 Narrative Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT521 Art Theories and Art Criticism 3+0  3 6
GİT522 Modern Art and New Typography 3+0  3 6
GİT523 Aesthetics in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT524 The Art of Photography and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT525 Research Methods 3+0  3 6
GİT541 Content Development in Media 3+0  3 6
GİT542 Adapted Screenplay 3+0  3 6
GİT543 Animation Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT544 Color Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT545 Identity Design and Applications 3+0  3 6
GİT546 Advanced Applications in Graphic Design 3+0  3 6
GİT547 Design Studio 3+0  3 6
GİT548 Intellectual and Artistic Works Law 3+0  3 6
GİT549 Visualization and Modeling Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT550 Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT551 Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior 3+0  3 6
GİT552 History and Philosophy of Design 3+0  3 6
GİT553 Social Media Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT554 Event Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT555 Public Opinion Research 3+0  3 6
GİT556 Political Communication Campaigns 3+0  3 6
GİT557 Political Communication and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT558 Movie Language-1 3+0  3 6
GİT559 Movie Language-2 3+0  3 6
Course Content
GİT501- Research Methods in Communication Sciences (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:12
Within the scope of the course; philosophy and science, ontology and epistemology, stages of scientific research, ethics, selecting the research topic, narrowing the research topic and formulating the research problem, determining hypotheses, quantitative and qualitative research, determining the scope and limitations of the research, preparing a scientific report and examples of scientific research.
 GİT502 SEMİNAR (T:3 / U:0 / K:0) ECTS:12
Within the scope of the course; theoretical approaches and research areas in the field of communication, research question formulation and topic determination practices, research methods, thesis proposal preparation, content and formal issues in thesis proposal, thesis application studies, advisor communication and working methods in thesis application.
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion – (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) 12 ECTS:6
Communication, Persuasion, Persuasion and Persuasion strategies, Persuasion and Persuasion methods, Visual communication, Perception theories in Visual Communication, Effective Visual Design Preparation methods, Visual Perception, Effect in Visual Communication, Analysis on visual texts.
GİT512 – Advertising and Design (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
History of Advertising, Advertising; objectives, features and tasks, Elements of Advertising.
GİT513 – Digital Media Literacy (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Mass Communication Systems, Semiotics and Analysis, Critical Reading, Political Economy of Mass Communication, Culture and Media
GİT514 – Brand Communication and Creativity (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Examination of cases of creativity and execution of successful brands in various categories and the organizations, people and organizations behind them, through marketing communication strategies and practices. Strategy development exercises at various stages and levels. Discussions on topics and cases.
GİT515 – Integrated Marketing Communications (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The course emphasizes the role of advertising and other promotional tools in an organization’s IMC program to achieve effective marketing campaigns based on market segmentation and target markets within specified time and cost parameters and in line with clear objectives. In addition, in order to better comprehend the importance of the IMC program in terms of marketing communication, a literature review is conducted and the subject is further explored from an academic point of view.
GİT516 – Fictional Analysis in Cinema (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The history of fiction is learned, the main principles of fiction are examined, the functions of fiction such as creating meaning and atmosphere, creating rhythm are discussed and analyzed through examples.
GİT517 – Cultural Studies and Media (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Within the scope of the course; analyzing media contents and these contents with a critical perspective, knowing the concept of representation and forms of representation within cultural studies, reading the messages conveyed by media representations to the audience and analyzing their examples, conducting individual research in the field of cultural studies and preparing analysis texts.
GİT518 – Digital Marketing (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The course covers topics such as transition from traditional marketing to digital marketing, digital marketing concepts, digital marketing mix, digital marketing strategy, economic dimensions of digital marketing, social networks, branding in digital marketing, campaign planning and marketing communication in digital media.
GİT519 – Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In order to understand the rapid change in post-2000 Turkish cinema and to produce the creative ideas of tomorrow, our movies are analyzed. The economic, political and cultural conditions under which these films were created are determined. In the light of qualitative and/or quantitative research, the domestic film industry is profiled.
GİT520 – Narrative Theory (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In this course, students examine major narrative theories and narrative genres and gain the ability to analyze selected works in the context of these theories.
GİT521 – Art Theories and Art Criticism (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
This course includes the criticism of plastic artworks with the stages of description, analysis, interpretation, judgment, criticism of different representations of the image in visual arts according to art movements and explanation of modern art movements.
GİT522 – Modern Art and New Typography (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In this course, students comprehend certain graphic design elements, the interdisciplinarity of typography, the relationship of creative typography with art, the importance of placement in typographic design and gain the ability to analyze selected sample works in the context of these theories.
GİT523 – Aesthetics in Visual Texts (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Visual Communication, Aesthetics, Aesthetic theories, Culture Industry, Communication Models, Effective Communication, Aims and Functions of Effective Communication, Effective verbal and non-verbal communication
GİT524 – The Art of Photography and Digitalization (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In the course, starting from the history of the art of photography and photography, the basic concepts of photography will be reviewed and the transition process to digital photography and the elements related to digital photography will be examined. In addition, applications with digital photography techniques will be realized.
GİT525 – Research Methods (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Within the scope of the course; philosophy and science, ontology and epistemology, stages of scientific research, ethics, selecting the research topic, narrowing the research topic and formulating the research problem, determining hypotheses, quantitative and qualitative research, determining the scope and limitations of the research, preparing a scientific report and examples of scientific research.
GİT541 – Content Development in Media (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Analysis of media policies of mainstream and alternative media institutions, content analysis of different communication tools, preparing appropriate content for the right communication tool, preparing an article on content analysis in media and effective presentation of this study.
GİT542 – Adapted Screenplay (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The course covers the techniques of screenplay writing, adaptation methods, adaptation problems and adaptation types by being inspired by all kinds of works or adapted to the screenplay. In the course, every stage of adaptation will be examined by analyzing films adapted from literature, TV series, songs, poems or other films. At the end of the semester, students will adapt a work of their choice into a screenplay.
GİT543 – Animation Techniques (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Theoretical information about animation will be given and animation language and logic will be discussed. The basic elements of visual communication language and cinema language, animation film techniques, superficial and stop motion applications and animation film production stages will be emphasized.
GİT544 – Color Theory (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
While the content of the course consists of basic color knowledge and theoretical studies on colors, cinema films are used as a supporting element as an application area of colors.
GİT545 – Identity Design and Applications (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In the course, especially in the context of brand communication and management, identity creation, identity creators, brand symbols and their meanings, stages of brand identity creation will be discussed and identity creation practices will be realized in the light of studies on identity.
GİT546 – Advanced Applications in Graphic Design (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The course focuses on examining the areas including time, space and movement in graphic design and making application studies. The course is about advanced knowledge transfer about visual communication language and linguistic message and then animating them by using graphic language. In this context, the student is expected to have a command of advanced graphic design programs in order to take this course.
GİT547 – Design Studio (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In the course, the basic problems encountered in the fields of design, problem definition, approach determination and analysis skills will be gained and the development of design projects based on different design concepts will be emphasized. In this context, color, texture, illustration, composition and typography elements will be discussed in the course, creating a composition and transforming it into a project with computer aided or printing methods.
GİT548 – Intellectual and Artistic Works Law (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In the course, the rights of an idea on the product, the basis of the law of intellectual and artistic works related to the products accepted as works of art will be discussed with examples. Unlawful situations will be examined in detail.
GİT549 – Visualization and Modeling Techniques (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In the course, design, three-dimensional modeling and animation techniques and methods in visual communication will be discussed and basic visualization elements such as texture, light, color, camera and its movements will be studied. Creating a story in visual narrative, story structure, character animation, sound/music applications and putting it all together will be studied.
GİT550 – Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Visual Communication, Aesthetics, Aesthetic theories, Culture Industry, Communication Models, Archetype theories, stereotype concept, discourse analysis
GİT551 – Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Introduction to Consumer Behavior, external factors, internal factors, consumer decision making process, industrial consumer behavior
GİT552 –History and Philosophy of Design (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
This course introduces students to the history and principles of design on a philosophical basis. Students are encouraged to gain a comprehensive understanding of design, art, architecture, industrial design, art movements and their impact on social life. The course also aims to create an environment in which students can discuss the concept of design through discussions and presentation assignments.
GİT553 –Social Media Design and Management (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Personal and corporate image, creating an impression. Usage rates of social media in the world and in Turkey, reasons, statistical distribution of user characteristics, the most used applications. Elements of brand and branding, personal branding theories, the use of social media in corporate and personal branding. Technical features and correct use of social media applications. Creating effective visual/written and verbal content on social media. Regular and holistic evaluation of usage purposes, posts, follower feedbacks.
GİT554 –Event Design and Management (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In this course; event types, characteristics, planning, management, marketing and marketing functions are discussed and a systematic event plan and application are created.
GİT555 –Public Opinion Research (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The aim of this course is to enable the student to learn the basic qualities, methods and theories of public opinion research and concepts with scientific methods, to create the ability to apply the scientific process; thus, to gain the competence of public opinion research application by having methodological knowledge specific to the field of social sciences.
GİT556 –Political Communication Campaigns (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
Within the scope of the course, the general evaluation of the basic concepts and theories of political communication together with the main political ideologies, the links between media, politics and society will be examined. Then, the components of political communication campaigns, strategies, tactics used in political communication campaigns and the factors affecting the success of these campaigns will be examined through examples.
GİT557 –Political Communication and Digitalization (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
In this course, conceptual and historical issues within the framework of the relationship of political communication with other disciplines will be explained with current examples. Formation of public opinion, forms of government, subject-power relationship, types of propaganda, language of persuasion, persuasion techniques and methods, attitude change tactics and political systems and digitalization (digitization; editing, storage and transfer of files such as audio, image, text, media) discussions will be held on it. In the course, political communication and activities, social media platforms, mainstream media, political actors, political communication and activities for election periods will be discussed especially in terms of democracy and communication and persuasion techniques in today’s society, political advertising, image and perception management will be discussed through the digitalization process.
GİT558 –Movie Language-1 (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The relationship between language and meaning will be evaluated based on the readings given in the bibliography and the concepts and distinctions related to this subject will be tried to be clarified with the discussions in the course.
GİT559 –Movie Language-2 (T:3 / U:0 / K:3) ECTS:6
The relationship between language and meaning will be evaluated on the basis of the readings given in the bibliography, and the concepts and distinctions related to this subject will be clarified through lectures and discussions. Language and meaning relations in the sample films will be analyzed in an audiovisual workshop based on the grammatical elements determined for each course.
Program Qualifications (Outputs)
PÇ-1 Knows and uses scientific methods and techniques, statistics, assessment and evaluation methods for cognitive studies.
PÇ-2 Evaluates and criticizes the study findings based on scientific methods and techniques.)
PÇ-3 Students will be able to define concepts related to communication, art / culture in general and visual communication areas in particular.
PÇ-4 Students have knowledge about special programs, techniques and methods used in visual communication and can make creative designs with them.
PÇ-5 Critically evaluate the products produced visually.
PÇ-6 Has knowledge about legal issues such as copyrights related to visually produced products and respects ethical issues.
PÇ-7 Has knowledge about interdisciplinary interaction in the field of visual communication and can investigate and internalize technological developments and related technologies.
PÇ-8 Realize visual designs in team or individually / make creative projects.
PÇ-9 Can combine different disciplines such as animation, photography and cinema into original products and make creative projects.
PÇ-10 Follows the innovations in the field and uses them.
Courses & Program Qualification Matrix
Ders Kodu Ders Adı P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
GİT501 Research Methods in Communication Sciences 5 5 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 5
GİT502 Seminar 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 5
GİT512 Advertising and Design 4 4 5 3 3 3 5 3 4 5
GİT513 Digital Media Literacy 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT514 Brand Communication and Creativity 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT515 Integrated Marketing Communications 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT516 Fictional Analysis in Cinema 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT517 Cultural Studies and Media 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT518 Digital Marketing 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT519 Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies 5 4 4 2 2 3 5 4 3 5
GİT520 Narrative Theory 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 2
GİT521 Art Theories and Art Criticism 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 5
GİT522 Modern Art and New Typography 4 3 3 1 3 2 4 3 2 4
GİT523 Aesthetics in Visual Texts 3 4 2 3 1 3 5 3 4 5
GİT524 The Art of Photography and Digitalization 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT525 Research Methods 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT541 Content Development in Media 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT542 Adapted Screenplay 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT543 Animation Techniques 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT544 Color Theory 4 3 3 2 1 2 4 3 2 4
GİT545 Identity Design and Applications 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT546 Advanced Applications in Graphic Design 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT547 Design Studio 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT548 Intellectual and Artistic Works Law 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT549 Visualization and Modeling Techniques 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT550 Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts 4 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 5
GİT551 Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 4
GİT552 History and Philosophy of Design 5 4 3 1 3 2 3 4 3 5
GİT553 Social Media Design and Management 4 3 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 5
GİT554 Event Design and Management 5 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 4
GİT555 Public Opinion Research 4 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 5
GİT556 Political Communication Campaigns 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 4
GİT557 Political Communication and Digitalization 5 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 5
GİT558 Movie Language-1 4 3 3 5 2 2 3 2 4 3
GİT559 Movie Language-2 5 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 4 4

* İlişki düzeyleri 0 (yok) ve 5 (en yüksek) arasında ifade edilmiştir.

Program Qualifications & TYYÇ Matrix
PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10


(Cognitive – Applied)



(Ability to work independently and take responsibility)



(Communication and Social)



(Domain-specific )

About the Program
Purpose of the Program  : The program aims to train contemporary “communication designers” who can create creative designs needed by both the academic field and/or the business world, apply theoretical knowledge creatively and aesthetically, follow global trends and innovations in design and communication, and value ethical principles. The program is a combination of research, design, interaction, art, and technology.
Establishment  : The program started in the 2018-2019 academic year.
Language of Instruction : Turkısh
Quota : Determined by the relevant department for each application period.
Application Requirements :

Students applying to the program must have graduated from a 4-year undergraduate program related to the field of communication (such as Public Relations and Advertising, Public Relations and Promotion, Communication Sciences, Visual Communication Design, Radio TV Cinema, and/or Cinema TV, Photography, Graphic Design, Communication Design, Communication Arts from Communication Faculties, Fine Arts Faculties, and Art and Design Faculties). Students from non-related fields will take a one-semester (4 courses) “Scientific Preparation” course if accepted into the program.

  • Foreign students must be successful in TÖMER.
  • Candidates who have completed their undergraduate education abroad must obtain an equivalency certificate from YÖK.
Duration : The duration of the non-thesis master’s program is two semesters, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program are offered, regardless of whether the student registers for each semester. The program must be completed within a maximum of three semesters.
Graduation Requirements : The program duration is 3 semesters. The program consists of a total of 30 local credits, 10 elective courses, and a graduation project. The graduation project is non-credit based on the local credit system and is evaluated as pass or fail. The total ECTS credits of the program are 90. Students who successfully complete the Graduation Project earn the right to graduate from the program with the decision of the Institute Board of Directors.
Assessment and Evaluation : Her ders için kullanılan ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemleri, derslerin bilgi paketinde tanımlanmıştır. Sınavlar ve başarı notları ile ilgili olarak Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Öğretim ve Sınav Yönetmeliği hükümleri geçerlidir.
Degree Awarded : Graduates who successfully complete the program are awarded a non-thesis master’s degree in “Visual Communication Design.”
Transition to Higher Degree Programs : Graduates who successfully complete the program can transition to a thesis master’s program, provided they meet the minimum requirements set by the higher education institution they apply to.
Contact : Asst. Prof. Atiye GÜNER (Head of Department)  e-mail:


Academic Staff
Prof. Dr. Gül Rengin KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN
Prof. Dr. Bülent Bahri KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN
Prof. Dr. Ayhan ERDEM
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz TELEK
Asst. Prof. Atiye GÜNER (Head of Department)
Asst. Prof. Bilge KALKAVAN
Asst. Prof. Batu DURU
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Fatih EMİNOĞLU
Asst. Prof. Buket AKDEMİR DİLEK
Teaching Plan
Research Methods in Communication Sciences (Compulsory) 3 12
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Seminar (Compulsory) 0 12
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Elective Course 3 6
Master Thesis 0 30
Master Thesis 0 30
Course Code Course Name T+U Credit ECTS
GİT501 Research Methods in Communication Sciences 3+0 3 12
GİT502 Seminar 3+0 0 12
GİT503 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT504 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion 3+0  3 6
GİT512 Advertising and Design 3+0  3 6
GİT513 Digital Media Literacy 3+0  3 6
GİT514 Brand Communication and Creativity 3+0  3 6
GİT515 Integrated Marketing Communications 3+0  3 6
GİT516 Fictional Analysis in Cinema 3+0  3 6
GİT517 Cultural Studies and Media 3+0  3 6
GİT518 Digital Marketing 3+0  3 6
GİT519 Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies 3+0  3 6
GİT520 Narrative Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT521 Art Theories and Art Criticism 3+0  3 6
GİT522 Modern Art and New Typography 3+0  3 6
GİT523 Aesthetics in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT524 The Art of Photography and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT525 Research Methods 3+0  3 6
GİT541 Content Development in Media 3+0  3 6
GİT542 Adapted Screenplay 3+0  3 6
GİT543 Animation Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT544 Color Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT545 Identity Design and Applications 3+0  3 6
GİT546 Advanced Applications in Graphic Design 3+0  3 6
GİT547 Design Studio 3+0  3 6
GİT548 Intellectual and Artistic Works Law 3+0  3 6
GİT549 Visualization and Modeling Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT550 Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT551 Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior 3+0  3 6
GİT552 History and Philosophy of Design 3+0  3 6
GİT553 Social Media Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT554 Event Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT555 Public Opinion Research 3+0  3 6
GİT556 Political Communication Campaigns 3+0  3 6
GİT557 Political Communication and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT558 Movie Language-1 3+0  3 6
GİT559 Movie Language-2 3+0  3 6
Courses Content
Course Code Course Name T+U Credit ECTS
GİT501 Research Methods in Communication Sciences 3+0 3 12
GİT502 Seminar 3+0 0 12
GİT503 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT504 Master Thesis 0 0 30
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion 3+0  3 6
GİT512 Advertising and Design 3+0  3 6
GİT513 Digital Media Literacy 3+0  3 6
GİT514 Brand Communication and Creativity 3+0  3 6
GİT515 Integrated Marketing Communications 3+0  3 6
GİT516 Fictional Analysis in Cinema 3+0  3 6
GİT517 Cultural Studies and Media 3+0  3 6
GİT518 Digital Marketing 3+0  3 6
GİT519 Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies 3+0  3 6
GİT520 Narrative Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT521 Art Theories and Art Criticism 3+0  3 6
GİT522 Modern Art and New Typography 3+0  3 6
GİT523 Aesthetics in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT524 The Art of Photography and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT525 Research Methods 3+0  3 6
GİT541 Content Development in Media 3+0  3 6
GİT542 Adapted Screenplay 3+0  3 6
GİT543 Animation Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT544 Color Theory 3+0  3 6
GİT545 Identity Design and Applications 3+0  3 6
GİT546 Advanced Applications in Graphic Design 3+0  3 6
GİT547 Design Studio 3+0  3 6
GİT548 Intellectual and Artistic Works Law 3+0  3 6
GİT549 Visualization and Modeling Techniques 3+0  3 6
GİT550 Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts 3+0  3 6
GİT551 Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior 3+0  3 6
GİT552 History and Philosophy of Design 3+0  3 6
GİT553 Social Media Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT554 Event Design and Management 3+0  3 6
GİT555 Public Opinion Research 3+0  3 6
GİT556 Political Communication Campaigns 3+0  3 6
GİT557 Political Communication and Digitalization 3+0  3 6
GİT558 Movie Language-1 3+0  3 6
GİT559 Movie Language-2 3+0  3 6
Program Qualifications (Outputs)
PÇ-1 Knows and uses scientific methods and techniques, statistics, assessment and evaluation methods for cognitive studies.
PÇ-2 Evaluates and criticizes the study findings based on scientific methods and techniques.)
PÇ-3 Students will be able to define concepts related to communication, art / culture in general and visual communication areas in particular.
PÇ-4 Students have knowledge about special programs, techniques and methods used in visual communication and can make creative designs with them.
PÇ-5 Critically evaluate the products produced visually.
PÇ-6 Has knowledge about legal issues such as copyrights related to visually produced products and respects ethical issues.
PÇ-7 Has knowledge about interdisciplinary interaction in the field of visual communication and can investigate and internalize technological developments and related technologies.
PÇ-8 Realize visual designs in team or individually / make creative projects.
PÇ-9 Can combine different disciplines such as animation, photography and cinema into original products and make creative projects.
PÇ-10 Follows the innovations in the field and uses them.
Courses & Program Qualification Matrix
Ders Kodu Ders Adı P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
GİT501 Research Methods in Communication Sciences 5 5 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 5
GİT502 Seminar 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5
GİT511 Visual Perception and Persuasion 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 5
GİT512 Advertising and Design 4 4 5 3 3 3 5 3 4 5
GİT513 Digital Media Literacy 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT514 Brand Communication and Creativity 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT515 Integrated Marketing Communications 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT516 Fictional Analysis in Cinema 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT517 Cultural Studies and Media 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT518 Digital Marketing 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT519 Contemporary Turkish Cinema Studies 5 4 4 2 2 3 5 4 3 5
GİT520 Narrative Theory 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 2
GİT521 Art Theories and Art Criticism 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 5
GİT522 Modern Art and New Typography 4 3 3 1 3 2 4 3 2 4
GİT523 Aesthetics in Visual Texts 3 4 2 3 1 3 5 3 4 5
GİT524 The Art of Photography and Digitalization 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT525 Research Methods 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT541 Content Development in Media 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT542 Adapted Screenplay 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT543 Animation Techniques 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT544 Color Theory 4 3 3 2 1 2 4 3 2 4
GİT545 Identity Design and Applications 5 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5
GİT546 Advanced Applications in Graphic Design 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 5
GİT547 Design Studio 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
GİT548 Intellectual and Artistic Works Law 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT549 Visualization and Modeling Techniques 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5
GİT550 Stereotype Analysis in Visual Texts 4 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 5
GİT551 Consumption Culture and Consumer Behavior 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 4
GİT552 History and Philosophy of Design 5 4 3 1 3 2 3 4 3 5
GİT553 Social Media Design and Management 4 3 3 5 1 2 3 2 4 5
GİT554 Event Design and Management 5 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 4
GİT555 Public Opinion Research 4 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 5
GİT556 Political Communication Campaigns 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 4
GİT557 Political Communication and Digitalization 5 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 5
GİT558 Movie Language-1 4 3 3 5 2 2 3 2 4 3
GİT559 Movie Language-2 5 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 4 4

* İlişki düzeyleri 0 (yok) ve 5 (en yüksek) arasında ifade edilmiştir.

Program Yeterlilikleri & TYYÇ Matrisi
PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10


(Cognitive – Applied)



(Ability to work independently and take responsibility)



(Communication and Social)



(Domain-specific )